Imposter Syndrome?

Feel Like A Fake?

Talking to a lovely lady I was freezing yesterday and she mentioned “Imposter Syndrome”
We all experience this from time to time, especially as your work or life takes on heavy responsibilities. It’s a feeling of “Oh my word, how on earth did I end up doing this, am I qualified, I mean I can’t be can I?”
Now I’d never connected these two things until that conversation, I often talk about “Integrity Leaks”. I mostly mention these in relation to, making excuses not to do things, or saying you’ll do something, then not doing it and so on.
Know it or not, people notice and if they are like me, they stop asking you to be part of things. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who figured this out, I won’t push a piece of string, ever. I used too, it just creates conflict in most cases. Do as you say and invisible doors open, assuming you are surrounded by people who want the best for each other.
So Imposters syndrome, for me, in the fitness industry, coaching fighters and martial artists (different things) Running health-focused programs along with Cryotherapy and Floatation and so on, I’ve piled up a tone of responsibility and if I let things slip, I feel like a fake. Even when I’m extremely focused, training hard and doing all the right things, look out at a packed room with people prepping for fights and parents trusting us with their kids and I feel the weight and wonder “how the hell did I get here and am I qualified?”
Now add a few beers on a Friday night or don’t train for a few weeks and this feeling can be a little crushing, that’s responsibility, that’s an Integrity leak, that’s Imposters syndrome.
We are all human, and we all like to let it go now and then.  Don’t be too hard on yourself, but if you feel like an imposter, or you have some habits that are not congruent with your chosen career, you know, you feel it, you know what to do. Just be realistic, bit by bit is how you eat a 12-tonne cheesecake.
