10 Benefits Of Zoom Classes
Do Not Underestimate the Benefits of Livestream Classes
We were put into Lockdown on a Thursday night in March, by Saturday we were up and running with Zoom live classes. We have not stopped coaching throughout, it’s our role, its what we do, the lessons we coach on the mats are how we approach life, not just kicking and punching.
ROUTINE – Keeping a routine and a healthy one has tremendous benefits especially for kids not attending school. Everything else in your day evolves around a routine, structure and a disciplined approach to self-care.
COMMUNITY – there’s a lot of talk about community these days and we have developed ours over the last two decades. As leaders in our community, it’s our responsibility to step up and bring our team together. Boosting morale, lifting spirits and making things fun.
SKILL DEVELOPMENT – we have noticed a remarkable improvement’s in our Zoom students, including seasoned fighters. We have also had new members join on zoom and the skill development has been amazing. It took us by surprise too.
KEEPING FIT- As many of us are housebound, keeping the body and mind moving is vital. We are not designed to be still, our immune systems suffer and at a time like this thats the one thing we want to avoid
FAMILY CONNECTIONS – We have had fantastic feedback from families who have come together over our zoom classes. Parents joining in with kids, siblings taking part, it’s been so rewarding for all of us.
REDUCED STRESS & ANXIETY – Moving that body and just switching off from the news cycle and Facebook stream for a short while has huge benefits, just an hour of fun a day keeps the blues away.
LEARNING – keeping that part of the brain active and held accountable by your coaches, us. It’s easy to fall into bad patterns and behaviours, keeping the mind active with set goals and activities to keep your brain firing on all cylinders and awake is crucial.
CONFIDENCE – Zoom classes can help kids with low confidence find their way in the arts, whereas a class environment might be too much at first, zoom from home is a great way to enter into the environment and join in classes when we are able without so many nervous doubts.
CONVENIENCE – Just turn on the TV and tune in To Function First classes from your living room.
ADAPTABILITY – the modern world means we must learn, unlearn and relearn, we believe we have been leading by example throughout all of this and will continue to do so into the future. We coach not just punches and kicks, we coach an approach to life, teaching young minds how to adapt with a positive can-do attitude.
Martial Arts are for life
Off The Mats As On
FREE One week trail in our Zoom Classes
Use the contact form to book your free trial
If you see the value & benefits
- It’s simply £25 a month
- No limit to how many classes a week
- No restrictions to days
- Get priority on our waiting list for when we re-open
Or Call Paula on 01522 543 787